Sunday, January 10, 2010

A sinking ship

Friendship is such a fickle thing. So fleeting yet so very nessasary to us all. I've watch myself be friends with so many different people and I've watched those people drift away. Is that all we are? Destined to drifted, in and out of each others life?! Seems so futile then to even make connections.
Recently I've really been looking at my friendship with people, I've come up with this...
Frienship is a two way road, but so many times we refuse to continue down the road if that othe traveler isn't. We hold back and don't communicate and the journey is over as quick as it began. Friendship work, you need to keep you friends in check an likewise, it's about calling each other out on bad shit, trying to make things right. It's about guiding each other through this crazy and grueling life. EVERYONE suffers, EVERYONE has pain, stop for a second and relieze that we ALL suffer together and it's about finding joy is the suffering and coming together.

I challenge anyone who may read this, try on others shoes, think how you'd want to be treated, BE A BETTER FRIEND. It will make the time you have here, well, less terrible.

Don't bite you tongue either, speak up and tell your friends how you feel, communicate thru something besides text or Internet, we are all real, one way or another we all have a voice, use it, lifes way to short and shitty to hold back.

I promise if we are friends, there will be a new David Alan Muise in your life this year, you've been warned.

-- d